The Katherine Multisport Club organises a variety of outdoor sporting training sessions and events throughout the year, both in and around Katherine. The club is run entirely by volunteers and aims to provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where people can enjoy swimming, running, cycling and canoeing.

What sporting events do Katherine Multisport run?

Regular events held throughout the year include Triathlons, Mountain Bike events, Running events and the infamous Katherine Ultra Challenge. KMC also hold swimming, running and riding sessions weekly. All events and sessions cater for all abilities.

How do I participate?

Anyone can participate in the events organised by the club.  We strongly encourage all participants to become social members. Click HERE to sign up.

Want to take your adventure a little further and compete in events then we encourage our members to sign up to AusTriathlon. They have a whole array of membership options, and signing up will ensure you wont need to pay a One Day membership at the Run Festival, Edith Triathlon, or the Katherine Ultra and will be covered by insurance on your training rides Click HERE to join.

For specific times and where to meet, checkout the calendar for the events you’re interested in!

New committee members are always welcome to help organise and coordinate events. Anyone interested in becoming a committee member can contact the club by emailing kmsclub@gmail.com